Mornings, Melodies & Memories Program
Seniors make up a significant portion of the Bland Shire, and are often members of the community that have lived in the Shire for many years and have amazing stories to share.
Research shows older adults who participate in senior programs can learn to manage and delay the onset of chronic disease and experience measurable improvements in their physical, social, spiritual, emotional, mental, and economic well-being.
One of the objectives of the Bland Shire Council is to improve the well-being of all members of our community, including seniors. One of the ways that Bland Shire Council has been doing this, is via the Mornings, Melodies and Memories program that runs across the districts in the Bland Shire.
Mornings, Melodies & Memories is a free program that Bland Shire Council has been running for several months specifically for seniors in Bland Shire. The program offers an opportunity for seniors in the districts to share a morning tea together, accompanied by live music provided by various local talents, and to share some memories and stories with their peers.
One of the outcomes of the Mornings, Melodies and Memories events was an audio visual storytelling about the early years and people's experiences growing up in the communities of Bland Shire. To view this video - please click HERE.
Our program leaders have been travelling to the different districts to provide this service across the Shire every week. The seniors that participate are given a chance to connect with their peers, whilst enjoying a morning of gentle entertainment.
For the duration of the program, separate events have been held each week in a particular district.
We encourage all of our seniors to come and join the activities. For further information and to book a seat, phone Bland Shire Council on 6972 2266.
To find the next Morning, Melodies and Memories event coming up, you can visit our Events Directory

As part of the Mornings, Melodies and Memories program, participants have compiled a book of favourite recipes which is free to download here.
Mornings, Melodies and Memories Recipes(PDF, 507KB)