Building and Planning Advice
Council's development and regulatory service officers are available to discuss any proposed development and advise of issues that should be considered during the design phase.
To allow the officer to complete a basic check of issues relating to the site please book your meeting at least 24 hours in advance. When booking please provide the following information:
* The full street address and suburb of the property.
* Your name and a contact phone number (should we need to re-schedule)
* A brief description of your proposal (e.g. "3 lot subdivision", "renovations to house", "new shed in rear yard")
* Any particular concerns you have already identified.
Council officers are not able to assess a Development Applications prior to lodgement and no undertakings or guarantees of approval can be made by Council officers prior to formal assessment of a DA. However, early consultation can bring to light many issues that may inform your design process. For this reason you should bring a rough sketch or plan of your proposal to help focus the discussion.
For more information on Pre-Lodgement Meetings click HERE.(PDF, 180KB)
Once a Development Application is lodged public notification occurs and a detailed and independent assessment of the DA is carried out in accordance with the assessment criteria under the Environmental Planning and Assessment Act 1979.
Large or Complex Developments
Large scale and complex developments will often involve a greater array of issues and may benefit from more than one pre-lodgement meeting. An initial preliminary meeting will usually identify the range of Council officers that should be consulted at a second meeting.
When booking the preliminary meeting please advise of any aspects of the proposal that may require some of the above personnel and we will endeavour to include them from the start (subject to availability)
Book a Meeting - Phone 02 69722266 at least 24 hours in advance.
It is not necessary to confirm the appointment on the day. If the officer is unable to attend, every effort will be made to find a replacement. However, in extreme cases we will call you to cancel and offer to re-schedule for another time.