Review of Determination
Applicant: RIXA Quarries Pty Ltd
Development: Extractive Industry – Hard Rock Quarry
Land: Lot 12 DP753081 & Lot 2 DP727020
Development Address: 2060 Clear Ridge Road, Wyalong, NSW, 2671
Submissions must be received by Council by the close of business on the 16 August 2021.
Plans are available for inspection at Council’s Offices at 6 Shire Street, West Wyalong between the hours of 8.30am to 5.00pm or online on the NSW Planning Portal
Any submissions in relation to the application must be received in writing addressed to The General Manager, Bland Shire Council, PO Box 21, West Wyalong NSW 2671 or via the NSW Planning Portal.
Submissions must be received by the closing date stated for each application. If the submission is made by way of objection, the grounds of objection must be specified in the submission. All comments made will be considered in the assessment of the application.
Please note that submissions cannot be kept confidential as they may be discussed with the applicant, included in a Council report or provided under the Freedom of Information Guidelines.
Amendments to the Local Government and Planning Legislation now require the public disclosure of donations or gifts when lodging or commenting on development proposals. Anyone lodging or commenting on a development proposal will be required to disclose any political donations or gifts they have made in the two years preceding the application.