How to sell or give away a Dog
Selling or Giving Away a Cat or Dog
Selling or giving away a cat or dog? You play a critical role in providing for the welfare of cats and dogs that you sell or rehome. This information will help you to meet your responsibilities.The rules have changedFrom 1 July 2019, people advertising kittens, cats, puppies or dogs for sale or to give away in NSW will need to include an identification number in advertisements. The identification number can be either:•a microchip number•a breeder identification number, OR•a rehoming organisation number.The rules will apply to all advertisements, including those in newspapers, local posters, community notice boards and all forms of online advertising, including public advertisements on websites such as the Trading Post, Gumtree and social media sites.The changes have been implemented in response to the Parliamentary Inquiry into Companion Animal Breeding Practices.The changes help people looking to buy a cat or dog search the NSW Pet Registry to see the animal’s:•breed•sex•age•whether it is desexed•whether or not it is already registered•whether any annual permit is in place (from 1 July 2019).A breeder identification number search will also display any business name listed in the registry.This enables buyers to do further research and make informed purchasing decisions. It also helps to promote responsible cat and dog breeding and selling and, over time, enable enforcement agencies to use this information to identify ‘problem’ breeders to enforce animal welfare laws.
For additional information from the Department of Primary Industries click here