Bland Shire residents have a range of practical recycling options available to do their part to benefit the environment.
Council is encouraging residents to take a pro-active approach to recycling in order to reduce the amount of waste in local landfills and reduce emissions.
People can recycle their eligible bottles and cans at return and earn stations located in West Wyalong and Ungarie at -
- V & L Machinery, Railway Road, West Wyalong, and
- Ungarie Central Hotel, Wolllongough Street, Ungarie
Every eligible bottle and can returned earns a 10 cent refund.
Bottles and cans may also be accepted for recycling free of charge at the West Wyalong Landfill although the 10 cent return does not apply.
Cardboard and paper can be recycled for free at Kurrajong Waratah on Compton Road. People are encouraged to utilise this service but can also dump these items at the West Wyalong landfill for a small fee.
While a kerbside recycling service is currently unviable, Council continues to invest in, investigate and support a range of recycling programs and initiatives to reduce waste in local landfills and benefit the environment including -
Community Recycling Centre
As we increase our reliance on technology and faster and better new products hit the market, more and more people are needing to dispose of unwanted electronic waste (e-waste) such as old televisions, computers and computer peripherals.
People can drop off their e-waste for free at the Community Recycling Centre (CRC) located at the West Wyalong landfill on Racecourse Road.
The CRC also receives paint, batteries, fluorescent globes, oils, gas bottles, fire extinguishers, smoke detectors and some chemicals of domestic quantities, free of charge
A CRC small recycling centre is located at Bernardi’s supermarket and West Wyalong IGA (Both pictured below) as well as West Wyalong Landfill. These collection points are suitable for items such as household batteries, fluorescent Globes, smoke detectors and mobile phones (Domestic quantities only)

Never bin your batteries!
Did you know that putting your car or household batteries in your bin or dumping them at the landfill can create a fire risk as well as causing danger to the environment?
Batteries that end up in landfills eventually corrode and decay, releasing dangerous chemicals – including battery acid – which can seep into our soil, water sources and the air, as well as causing fires.
So please safely dispose of your batteries.

Metal Waste
Metal waste is also received at the West Wyalong Landfill for no charge.
Another recycling and safety program available locally is DrumMUSTER which allows people to safely dispose of approved agricultural chemical drums safely. Landholders can register for the DrumMUSTER program by phoning Council on 6972 2266 and arranging an appointment.
Second Hand Shop
A second hand shop has also been established at the West Wyalong landfill where items can be dropped off to be repurposed and/or reused.
Council also has compost bins and worm farms available for sale at a small fee for those who wish to further reduce their carbon footprint at home.
Green waste should be used as compost and not placed in the bin.
Residents can also dispose of unwanted farm Chemicals by contacting - ChemClear – farm chemical disposal service. Approved containers only