Local Government Elections - Candidate Forums

Candidate Forums

Are you interested in serving your community as a councillor?

Local government elections will be held on Saturday 14, September 2024.

These introductory information sessions are essential for all potential candidates considering standing in the elections. It will help you make an informed decision about whether becoming a councillor is the right fit for you.

Bring your skills, influence, knowledge and experience and participate in policy decisions on behalf of your Local Government area. It is very important that the Shire has people with vision, energy and commitment who are willing to provide leadership to meet the challenges facing our local communities. 

Nominations for the NSW Local Government elections will be open at 8am on Monday, 5 August and close at 12 noon on Wednesday, 14 August. 




  • Tuesday, 07 May 2024 | 07:00 PM


Bland Shire Council Chambers, 6 Shire Street, West Wyalong, 2671, View Map

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