Yindyamarra Display
The Yindyamarra Aboriginal Display was officially opened during NAIDOC Week 2021. Yindyamarra is the Wiradjuri word for Respect.
The Yindyamarra Display was developed by Bland Shire Council in conjunction with the West Wyalong Local Aboriginal Land Council and financial assistance from a Stronger Country Communities grant and the NSW CASP Program.
The stunning collection stands permanently at The Wetlands and features a number of significant indigenous artefacts and symbols which were all painted by local artists.
The lead artist was West Wyalong local Kheely Turner from Bundyi Yadhaa, while indigenous students from Ungarie Central School Ethan Robb, Allora Vinecombe, Joseph McKenzie, Madi Vinecombe, Archer Hale, Dean Hale and Mitchell Collins painted many of the artefacts with the help of Jon and Rhonda from Didgeridoos on Main. Meanwhile, a number of local students from Wyalong Public School have their handprints set in concrete on the slab surrounding the exhibition.
The Yindyamarra display was officially opened by Bland Shire Council Deputy Mayor Rodney Crowe and New South Wales Aboriginal Land Council Wiradjuri Region Councillor, Leeanne Hampton.