Annual Reports and State of the Shire Reports


The annual report is one of the key points of accountability between council and its community. It is not a report to the Office of Local Government or the NSW Government, it is a report to the community. The annual report focuses on council’s implementation of the Delivery Program and Operational Plan. These plans provide detail on council’s responsibility and the accomplishments achieve towards the objectives of the Community Strategic Plan (CSP). The CSP is a collaborative plan with many contributors and is designed to meet the needs of the community. The report also includes information that is prescribed by the Local Government Act 1993, Local Government (General) Regulation 2005, and other legislation.


The State of the Shire Report aims to update the Bland Shire community on our progress toward the social, environmental, economic, and civic leadership goals outlined in the Community Strategic Plan during the elected Council’s term. This report is mandated by the NSW Government’s Integrated Planning and Reporting Legislation for Local Government. In the report, we summarise the advancements made by Council through our Delivery Program and annual Operational Plans, aligning our efforts with the vision and strategies of the Community Strategic Plan. The Community Strategic Plan categorises community priorities into four focus areas and this State of the Shire Report showcases Councils achievements in each area.